People and Organization

People and Organization

The PBL Academy is envisioned as a network organisation with participation and engagement from employees across the entire university. Every employee is welcome to join the various networks that will be established, and to contribute to research, teaching, training, resource collection and development within the area of PBL.

Some networks might be focused on research, whereas others may be for people interested in sharing their expert knowledge and experiences with PBL in relation to teaching, training and presentations – both to colleagues within AAU, as well as to international guest who comes to AAU to learn more about the Aalborg PBL model. Furthermore, some networks might be about international collaborations and include international members who are interested in PBL e.g. people working in implementing PBL in their home universities.

Management board

The role of the PBL Academy management board is to launch new PBL-related initiatives; to facilitate, sustain and coordinate networks and activities; to plan and coordinate international visits, teachings and seminars; to administrate and keep track of the budget.

The PBL Academy management board consists of a representative from each of the five faculties, who have been appointed by the deans of their respective faculty. The board is headed by one of the representatives for one and a half year at a time where after the task is taken up by one of the other representatives.

Staff list

Staff lists are temporarily unavailable. We are working on a solution. For the time being, employees can be searched for here:

Administrative staff

Staff list

Staff lists are temporarily unavailable. We are working on a solution. For the time being, employees can be searched for here: